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Monday, October 10, 2011

Liberty or Tyranny:Choose now

Fellow Tea Party Patriots: The time has come for us to choose. The time has come for us to choose Liberty and individual freedom over smiley faced tyrannical safety. If that term even makes sense to you. Lines are being drawn in the sand and sadly I don’t find myself really getting behind any potential presidential candidate right now. I keep waiting for the moment I say: “Finally George Washington, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are among us.” I don’t like the fact that Political correctness exists in the conservative ranks. There is no place for it ever. Free speech is free speech and we must protect it even if you don’t agree with the other side. Yes even the free speech of communists. I hate the fact that if you support Ron Paul you are known as a nut. If you support Mitt Romney does it mean you are a George Bush Neo con? Both lables are absurd. Let me be clear. There are many issues I agree with Ron Paul. Foreign Policy is not one of them! His stance on Foreign Policy and his non support of Israel is sadly a deal breaker for me. I say sadly because on everything else. The Federal Reserve, Austrian economics over Keynesian, Individual Liberty and the protection of the constitution are all his very strong points. Somehow lately Rick Perry is a super hero in the first week of getting in the race. What did he do to deserve the automatic anointing? Have you all really done the research you need to on him? First and foremost, I love that he seems to have god in his life. Yes he is a great looking guy. He is a very good communicator. I like what he is saying on foreign policy. He supports Israel. He recently spoke out against the Federal Reserve. Great! Well Duh! We all need to be speaking out against what they have done. They have single handedly destroyed the dollar since 1913. But ask yourself have you really researched Rick Perry yet? Why did he cave in and stall the TSA bill in Texas? To preserve that business at the airports would be business as usual. I understand that but I ask you is that more important than our liberty? Aren’t you sick of seeing videos of the TSA groping little kids and grandmas while letting Muslims through without a grope so not to offend their religion? Does that make sense to you? Do you know that Perry was a democrat and Al Gore’s campaign manager in 1988? Do you know he supported Hillary Clinton’s Hillary Care in 1993? I live in Massachusetts. Do you know that Romney care was a model taken from Hillary Care which became the beta test point for Obama Care? Trust me Romney Care is a disaster here in MA. Obama care is sure to be that and much more. I wouldn’t vote for that guy even if he is the last republican in the world. I will just sit out if that happens. Now Granted I agree that people can change. Maybe Perry has. I can certainly understand why someone would eventually change from being liberal to being a conservative. Call it growing up, becoming wiser or seeing the light. I will give Rick Perry a pass on that but it still makes me wonder about his character and integrity for ever getting in bed with Hillary and Al Gore. Rick has a great record on creating jobs in Texas. We desperately need that no doubt. But what is more important: Our liberty? Or jobs? Will you be happy that you have a job but your freedom is gone even though you are gainfully employed? We need people who have a bull’s eye focus on protecting the constitution and protecting our individual Freedom and Liberty. We also need someone who has god in their lives and as a result has good character. Rick Perry very well may have god in his life. I believe him on that. However I am not convinced yet that he is not just another socially conservative George Bush. When you think of liberty do you really think of George W.? How about John McCain? Maybe both have aspects of their lives where they have served our country patriotically and I appreciate that. But sorry when I think of Liberty I still see the face of Ben Franklin and George Washington.
 I have had some great debates lately with a lot of people I consider to be great patriots and friends. The first thing I always hear is: “It doesn’t matter who we get in there as long as they are not a communist like Obama.” Well, with that said I agree. No doubt Obama has socialist /communist leanings. He has people advising him that are literal admitted communists. While George Bush took 8 years to spend 4 trillion dollars, Obama has spent 4 trillion in 3 years. So yes he is worse than George Bush or anyone we could have dreamed of short of General Mao. But George Bush still put us in the hole 4 trillion dollars and now we have the Patriot act because of him. So our former president with good intentions I am sure, did not heed the advice of Ben Franklin. Speaking of that: I notice that it is in vogue for people in our tea party group to quote Franklin’s famous quote of “Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" And rightly so. This is one of the most prophetic and important quotes ever given to us by our forefathers. See our forefathers knew that we being a Republican Democratic society had the potential danger of becoming an apathetic people who were bamboozled by future leaders promising safety and entitlements. And that we would vote for those benefits and at the same time bring into power corrupt rulers who would not relinquish that power. Are we not on this path now if not already arrived at this prophesized destination? There is nothing more important facing us today than our liberty and freedom fellow patriots. With no individual freedom there will be no freedom to worship our god. No Freedom to pursue the happiness we want. Chip Murray had an excellent blog the other day and you should all check it out. In it he recites a poem about praying to god to not let us be fenced in. Chip’s blog is one of the best I have read to date. Not being fenced in translates to having individual freedom. The freedom to roam the country at your desire, The Freedom to grow your own food, The Freedom to speak out even against the policies of your own government, The freedom to start a business, to make the guitar of your choice (See Gibson story)etc. At Every turn our Freedoms are being fenced in and challenged. At the airports, little kids lemonade stands are being shut down, Families growing tomatoes are being told to stop growing immediately. These fences are being built all around us and very quickly. We know our foes are godless. And we know that we will prevail. Good always does prevail eventually. I believe we must prevail in a peaceful way. And we absolutely must do this with the mind set of losing our liberty is far worse than losing our jobs. Protecting our liberty and freedom is the most important issue when we are thinking about voting in the 2012 election. We need to fully research all of the potential candidates. Don’t start liking a candidate because Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh has endorsed how great they are. I still don’t have a person who I think is the answer. I want someone who hasn’t been a career politician. I want someone who believes in god and doesn’t have a checkered past and is honest. I want someone who puts the protection of the constitution at the very top of their agenda. Yes, even over our safety and jobs. And I know we all want to work and be safe. Here are my thoughts on the other conservative candidates or potential candidates that I haven’t yet mentioned:
Michelle Bachman- I am pretty sure I like what she is all about but it concerns me that prior to being a politician she was a tax attorney for the IRS. I like what she says though. I need to hear more...
Herman Cain-I like that he is a former Business owner and not a career politician but I still have to do more research on him.
Mitt Romney- I know I mentioned him before but trust me folks I am from Mass. One word: NO!NO! NO! I saw him in action in Massachusetts.  He is a Rhino at best.
Chris Christie- Absolutely love the way he stands up to the Unions. Seems like a tough, smart, great communicating leader we need. That is until he started opening up his mouth about the Global warming garbage he started talking about. Sorry Chris. Again, anyone that hangs with Al Gore is out in my view! Do some more research Chris and maybe I will take you seriously when you apologize for being misinformed.
Sarah Palin-I like her a lot as a person. I do think she has good intentions. I know she has god in her life and has integrity. All which are very important to me. I haven’t heard her talk a lot about the constitution and the role the Federal Reserve has hurt free market capitalism etc. So I would need to hear more about that. She hasn’t announced that she is going to run yet. When and if she does I need to hear more from her with her being front and center and talking directly about the issues especially in a debate forum vs. the other contenders.
Allen West-Everything I had started to hear about him I really, really liked. Then he said he wasn’t going to run. I would have loved to hear more unfortunately.
Still with all of this said. I don’t feel like I can fully get behind anybody yet. Yes of Course I will vote for whoever is there besides Obama, unless it is Romney, then I will literally sit out the election if after all we have been through and have learned over the last 4 years we can’t do better than him. But I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that. I sincerely hope that sometime in the next year I say: “There is our George Washington. Thank God He/She showed up.” We desperately need that person. We desperately need to protect our freedom and liberty. There is no greater issue that faces us. Challenge me fellow Big Dawgers. I would love to hear what you all think. Who is going to lead us in this most important time. More importantly tell me why they are the one to lead us out of this mess. Help me see the light and tell me who the next George Washington is. I would very much like to meet them. God Bless and keep helping win the culture war in america through music!!